Meet the crew

Find me here, here, and here!


Pronouns: She/her

Zodiacs: Leo sun, Cancer moon, Virgo rising

Title: Editor-in-Chief / Founder

Brief job description:

Overseeing all the things.

How I spend my free time:

Watching movies. Reading. Crying over the 1975 and soccer mommy, then feeling embarrassed about it later (only over the part about crying over the 1975). I’m a pop culture fanatic as well.

How I like my eggs:

I don't eat eggs.. I eat the whole chicken. Psych. I actually adore eggs and do not favor chicken. I like them runny. And if you don't like egg yolk.. grow up!


Find me here and here!


Pronouns: They/them

Zodiacs: Sagittarius sun, Aries moon, Pisces rising

Title: Managing Editor

Brief job description:

I make sure everything gets done—all ze behind the scenes things.

How I spend my free time:

I like to read, and I’m currently watching New Girl for the fourth time. I tend to have a craft of the week—currently, it’s making funky earrings. In the past, I’ve made bracelets and decorated mannequin heads. I also make films.

How I like my eggs:

All the ways. I like sunny side up and fried eggs best—the yolkier, the better. Scrambled eggs are for children.


Find me here and here!



Pronouns: They/them

Zodiacs: Libra sun, Capricorn moon, Sagittarius rising

Title: Creative Director

Brief job description:

I design the site and format the writing. I also make the Instagram posts. Basically anything visual is my forte.

How I spend my free time:

I like practicing photography! I also like graphic design, so I’m doing that a lot. Sometimes I make films. I also just started rollerblading. It’s really fun. My brain is always full, so I write a bunch too, about anything and everything. Besides that, I like going to raves with my friends (☆^_^☆)

How I like my eggs:

Any way is fine as long as they aren’t runny. Gag!