
Dani Craven writes about the importance of taking a moment to slow down when life feels a little too fast and appreciate the stars.

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Dani CravenComment
Words Worth (poem)

Worth is in the eyes of the beholder I suppose, but what if I’m not the beholder? My pieces have worth to me, but what about to others? What is this for me if I can’t share my love of words with someone else?

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Dani CravenComment
March 5, 2020

Trigger Warning: mention of self-harm

I think this is a misconception a lot of people have. Mental health isn’t something you can solve with one simple change. Seeking help and medication or therapy doesn’t quickly or immediately end all of your problems, or fix those neurochemical deficiencies, or purge sadness.

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Elle EllsworthComment
The P-Word

Sometimes we have to accept outside help. Acknowledging mental health issues doesn’t make us any weaker of a person. Seeking help for our mental health doesn’t make us any weaker of a person. It makes us infinitely stronger. And sometimes it takes that other person to nudge you towards the help that you need, and that’s alright.

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Elle EllsworthComment
Hardworking Hair

For decades, natural hair has been frowned upon in the workplace

and sometimes even found to be illegal. From serving our country in the military to

crunching numbers in cubicles, Black women have been forced to adhere to the

conventional beauty standards as opposed to rocking their natural coils.

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Faith EgedegbeComment
Used Band-aid Collection

throughout life, we repress many situations, most of which we do not remember or quite understand. or perhaps, the memory isn’t repressed at all and it haunts you every single day, much like a cut stings.

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Dani CravenComment

Caroline Couch shares about her cosplay journey over the past six years in this piece. Click to learn more about cosplay, how she got involved, and some of her favorite pieces!

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