A Love Letter to Sky High

Dear Sky High (2005)

You might not know me very well, but I know you. I know you like the back of my hand. Or as well as I know my own sister. I think I know you better than I know myself. We’ve been in relations for quite some time. We were first introduced when I was a kid. My mom had a DVD player that my sister, brother, and I would use to keep occupied on the five hour road trips to my grandparents house. You were one of the DVDs that were on constant rotation for these trips, and I’ve become accustomed to seeing you every time we hit the road.

 I’ve come to realize that the movies you love as a kid usually fail to hold up when you get older. Recently, I’ve watched some of the films we chose for our viewing pleasure on the way to our grandparent’s house, but they just fall short in almost every category. Some of these movies are plain outdated, none of the jokes land, and it’s hard to realize why I enjoyed it so much when I was a kid. Other movies are just boring. There is seemingly no plot, and all of the conflict could be resolved within the first ten minutes. When watching these movies, it’s hard to comprehend how I sat through all ninety minutes of it when I was young. 

But every so often, there is a movie that happens to beat the odds. A movie that still makes sense each time you watch it. A movie that is about the intricacies and oddities of highschools. It accurately examines the pressure most teenagers feel to live up to not only their parents expectations, but the ones we have for ourselves. It’s a movie that surveys how we can be heroes, sidekicks, and villains in our own lives. The movie is you, Sky High (2005), and I am truly in love with you. 

To be extremely candid, I believe wholeheartedly that you are the greatest superhero film of all time. Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Are you insane?” And the answer may be yes, but I’ve seen many superhero films and none of them have compared to the pure cinematic excellence that is Sky High (2005). Before you ask: Yes, I’ve seen all the Marvel Movies. Of course I have seen all the X-Men movies (they are my favorite superhero group!).  I have even sat through the disaster that are most DCEU films. I can confidently say that I am very well-versed in movies about supernatural humans, and I don’t think my mind will ever change from the fact that Sky High (2005) remains the greatest of all of them. 

Let me explain, I don’t engage in flattery if it’s not deserved. Sky High (2005) is the story of Will Stronghold, son of The Commander and Jetstream, the two best superheroes of this world. From birth, it is an expectation that Will become an eminent superhero just like his parents. And to help him along with this process? He’s sent to Sky High, high school for the kids of superheroes and sidekicks. They are sent to Sky High to perfect their craft and become their generation’s next leaders. Without spoiling too much for other readers, (Sky High (2005), you already know how the story goes), Will has to learn how to navigate high school with all this constant pressure weighing on him. Of course he makes friends who help him through it along the way, but of course, there are multiple ups and downs he has to face before he comes out on top.

How relatable right? Right! And you continue to get more relatable as the movie goes on. There is not a single character or plot in this movie that I don’t find myself being able to relate to. The whole “superhero” or “sidekick” subplot mimics so greatly how oftentimes teens starting high school are put into groups and labelled as some sort of stereotypes before we even get the chance to start finding ourselves. 

Not only that, but Sky High (2005) also manages to act as a comedy movie, action movie, and coming-of-age film all rolled into one. You balance each magnificently! There’s never a moment that I’m like “Ugh! There is no character development happening right now.” Or “Wow! I’m really bored. Where’s the action?” Or my least favorite: “Where is the ROMANCE??”. That’s more than I can say for any of the other superhero films I watch. You also happen to be a movie with a killer soundtrack. Each scene has a song in the background that perfectly encapsulates what the characters and the watcher should be feeling. The features song of the movie, “I Melt With You” by Modern English, captures the nostalgia I feel when I watch this movie and honestly, might even capture the nostalgia that I’ll feel when looking back on my own high school experience. That’s how I know you’re watching a good movie, because I can see parts of my own life in your scenes.

When I watch you, Sky High (2005), I feel a sense of comfort and happiness. I feel like I’ve just had a refreshing nap, I’m in my coziest PJs with my favorite snack, and my favorite people around me. Although I am not able to relate to the hardships of having to juggle being a supernatural being AND a teenager at the same time, I think you do a pretty good job at displaying what it’s like to be in high school. Even better, you were released over a decade ago, and still manage to leave something to be desired from current superhero/coming-of-age/teen comedies I watch. Almost none of them have been able to match the magic you have. 

You’ve introduced me to some of my favorite characters (Warren Peace, Layla Williams, and Zach), solidified my love for beautifully told coming-of-age films, and I even think I would credit you for kick starting my love of superhero movies in general. Every time I watch you, I get that glassy-eyed look  I had when I was little. I think that each year I get older, I find a new way to appreciate you, which is why I wanted to take time to profess my love for you. You may be wondering, “What do you appreciate about me today, Camilla?” And I have an answer! Today, my favorite part of you is the quote that Will Stronghold says at the end of the movie. Spoiler ahead for those who haven’t watched! “So in the end… my girlfriend became my archenemy, my archenemy became my best friend, and my best friend became my girlfriend. But hey, that’s high school!” How profound, and how true!

I know that if I don’t have a human Valentine, you will always be there for me to watch and cherish. I look forward to spending this holiday with you, and I hope that after this more people learn to love and appreciate you as much as I do! I would literally stop the world and melt with you if I had the chance.

All my love, 

Camilla <3

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