Mirror Girl
mirror girl is shaped like a pear. her tummy is pinched in three spots along the rectus abdominis line like a pea pod. when she slouches, the stomach slumps into a pancake stack, and when she stretches straight again, it leaves a line red like strawberry jam. whenever she eats, her stomach pooches out at the bottom like ripening fruit.
mirror girl has dimples. they grin up from her thighs. her orange-peel legs are bite-able (mosquitoes think so, at the very least.) the sea of her skin is marked by lines of cellulite sea-foam, pale and undulating close-lipped smiles. they ripple as she moves.
mirror girl has leopard(leper) spots. they dot her skin red and white and pink and other, flecks and specks. milky scars and blushing scabs and tawny bruises constellate her skin. her face sprouts acne like stars, white dwarfs and red giants. pimples have colonized her skin like invading aliens, outposts in the craters of pores from her face to her arms to her ass. she plays galaga with acne-spots because it’s entertaining when the pus-shrapnel shoots.
mirror girl has hair. it fuzzes across her upper lip, sprouts along her underarms, proliferates like kudzu down the seam stitching her thigh to her hip, hair thin and straggly like weeping willow. even if she takes a razor to it, the fallow skin recovers quickly. sometimes she tends to it, sometimes not.
mirror girl is made of shapes. lanky padded. chub cheeks, facial and other. creased like a raw chicken, a sphynx cat. metaphors dwindling.
i’m learning to love you, mirror girl.