
“12,000 stars left in the sky, burning out one by one.” 

I wrote a short story about this quote a long time ago, which I came across this week, and I found it to be quite relevant to the time of our lives we are in right now. 

I think I can speak for a lot of us by saying we do not have the time to lay outside and stare up at the stars anymore. Maybe it is because of school or work or perhaps it is simply because we’ve forgotten. Our world gets so busy that we forget to take a step back and look up at the stars. 

The other day I had a moment to do so. I had a moment were I laid on the ground for awhile with some friends and we looked up at the stars. To be honest there were not many to look at, but we counted planes and watched the clouds roll by. Then it started to rain. 

We did not jump up and run away, we continued to lay there and watch these few lights twinkle through the light, misting rain. And to be honest, it was an exceptionally grounding experience for me. 

“12,000 stars left in the sky, burning out one by one.” 

Twelve thousand stars can be found in every corner and inch of our sky. Each one is unique in its own way just as we are. Each one has moments when it shines the most, while other times it burns out and fades in the darkness. Well, we all do that too.

Sometimes we are so passionate about what we are doing we nearly glow with excitement and excel with great strides. But other times we are hurting or we need help despite not wanting to admit it. People can burn out just like stars do, but it’s the journey of reigniting that fire that defines who we are and what we are going to accomplish.

My message in this is to not let the world weigh you down, but rather take the time to look up and see the good. See the positivity and the beauty in our world rather than the stress within it. Go and lay in the grass and look up at the sky; do not run from the rain. Do not let your lifestyle bring about your burnout. Take a step back if you need to. Or if you feel you’re already there, do not let your mind tell you that you aren’t worth bouncing back.

Dani CravenComment