labyrinth of forms: women and abstraction, 1930-1950 (poem)

abstract me whitney boy,

pick me apart like you would jasper johns, oscar kokoscha, willi smith

reduce me,

break me down to the my simplest form:


make an argument, surprise me whitney boy.

explain it to me like i couldn’t possibly understand

what does it mean when the artists made that stroke?

why did he? why didnt he?

even if you cant, do act like you know

then lie to me whitney boy,

lead me on.

through exhibits,

through city streets

into you arms and into your bed

kiss me whitney boy,

what do you taste?

a gin-soaked cumber mixed with

sertraline, ethinyl estradiol, ibuprofen

impossibly sweet, just for you.

pull me on to your chest then

leave me whitney boy.

it’s okay.

shes still awake

and im walking home late

this time, alone.

Caroline CouchComment