Conversations with Claud

Cover photo from The Daily Orange

Name: claud

Pronouns: they/them

Age: 21

Zodiac: taurus

OFF THE RECORD: Hey! What’s up? To get this going, I’m just gonna jump right in and ask a SUPER important question. What’s your favorite hair (color) look you’ve done thus far?

CLAUD: blue on one side and green on the other. or my bleached bowl cut.

OTR: Would you say your favorite food is toast?

CLAUD: 100%.

OTR: Speaking of toast, what is the story behind making toast your persona for so long? 

CLAUD: my friend josh and i wanted a cute name for our band, and i eat toast a lot. it felt inevitable.

OTR: This is like asking your favorite child, so feel free to list many, but what do you feel is the most important song that you’ve written, and why?

CLAUD: “wish you were gay” because it was the most honest.

OTR: I read that you left Syracuse to pursue your music career. Is there ever anything that you feel like you’re missing out on from the college experience? 

CLAUD: i miss my college friends a lot and i miss being constantly surrounded by people my own age. 

OTR: Do you have a song writing process? Like do you ever sit down and decide, “I’m going to write a song today”? or are you usually inspired from what you see/what you experience?

CLAUD: it all usually depends on how i wake up in the morning. if i’m in a grumpy mood, it’s not a good idea for me to write a song that day. if i’m feeling like i need to get something off my chest, then i like to write.

OTR: A lot of your following is a part of the LGBTQ+ community. How does it feel to be an inspiration/role model for your fans? Does it ever feel like pressure?

CLAUD: i feel really grateful!! when i was in high school, i wasn’t out, and i didn’t have a community of people who were like me. i feel like i’m just building the big family of LGBTQ+ folks and allies i never had.

OTR: Growing up, a lot of LGBTQ+ youth struggle with the concept of coming to terms with their identity. How was this for you? Did you find it difficult, or was the journey fairly easy?

CLAUD: it was super difficult for me. i was in denial for a really long time just because i didn’t have the vocabulary to define myself. then one day it just clicked, and i accepted it. it almost feels like magic.

OTR: What has being a member of this community taught you about the world, the people who matter, or really anything?

CLAUD: i’ve learned a lot, and i’m still learning everyday! i’ve learned to be more patient with myself and others.

OTR: Okay. Last serious question. What’s important to you in life? What’s something you value and keep close to your heart?

CLAUD: my friends! and my mom, dad, brother, and grandparents. and my uncles are pretty awesome too.

OTR: So how’ve you been staying busy at the moment? Chatting with friends over FaceTime? Watching Portrait of a Lady on Fire for the thousandth time (or maybe that’s just me)? Oh, and on that note, maybe you could also drop the names of some TV shows/movies you recommend!

CLAUD: netflix. i’ve watched sex education, orange is the new black (for the second time), the half of it—just lots of gay content.

OTR: Favorite song to perform live?

CLAUD: “sideline star”.

OTR: On tour, what’s a memory that sticks out the most to you? 

CLAUD: my headline show in LA! there was a line around the block starting at like 4pm. it was the best moment ever.

OTR: What are your favorite colors?

CLAUD: yellow blue green purple.

OTR: What are your opinions on Friends, the TV show?

CLAUD: ross is annoying.

OTR: Finally, what are you listening to during quarantine? Anything you think we should check out?

CLAUD: i made a playlist! it’s called “claud’s current rotation”. i try to update it as much as i can.

Thanks again, Claud, for chatting with us! Make sure to check out their Spotify below!