The Divine Nature of Women

The following describes Amelia Orecchia's project called 'The Divine Nature of Women':

The whole project juxtaposes misogynistic comments overheard in public with powerful portraits of women. It signifies that monumental change needs to happen in regards to the sexist morals that have defined our history. 

all women are pigs.jpg

This photograph titled 'all women are pigs' details a portrait of a teenage girl named Grace paired with an intense quote directed at her by a white middle aged man at the post office pitching a fit over a large letter. The circles in this photo represent the notions of perfection and all cyclic movement. I decided on this symbol since, in Christianity, God is described as 'a circle whose centre is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere.' The contrast between religion and hate adds a new depth to the meaning of the portrait, as such a contrast is unexpected and inharmonious, much like misogyny versus women.

The photo was taken near Southbank in London on the 28th of June 2020.

Best wishes, Amelia Orecchia

Instagram - ameliaorecchia

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