Spiraling (poem)
i stand at the top of a staircase.
enveloped in light, but mired in sin.
a lucifer complex.
that sinking feeling of doubt,
that question to belong,
whispers to me like mephistopheles.
begging and tempting me to start,
and i take a first step
then another.
…and more
spiraling further.
down, down, down.
the people rush past up the staircase, but i avert mine eye.
my mind vociferates and mutters my silent oaths, wax poetic.
to me, they are but moths drawn to that false light.
“it is me,”
i cry.
as i descend further still,
i implore the importance of the pain that i feel.
do i not deserve it?
i took this first step, there is no going back.
hesitation fosters comfort.
(but i bargain on doubt and fear)
i started this, and must find my end,
somewhere in this black unknown.
the people still continue in their ascent,
but do i dare to question.
my own intentions in dissention,
and join them in their splendorous joy?
acknowledging my blindness, i know i cannot.
their light no longer reaches me,
spiraling furthermore.
they call me to join them
but i do not.
they claw and they beg,
but i must break free.
and with resilient regret,
i stand in solitude, for a moment of self-reflection.
still that whisper returns,
i have made my choice.
another step forward
and another,