A Chat with Micky James
Cover photo from PM Studio World Wide News
Name: Micky James
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 26
Zodiac: Aquarius
OFF THE RECORD: We’ve read in multiple interviews and profiles that you are heavily influenced by bands that were prevalent in the 20th century. Your music has a very nostalgic, vintage sound. What is it like being an artist in the 21st century? If you could go back to any decade of music in the 20th century, where would you go?
MICKY JAMES: If I had to go back to a decade in music, I'd have to say the 70s. I think that's when music started to really evolve, in my opinion. Pop rock music started to take new turns and birthed so many amazingly monumental records. Albums such as Zeppelin 1, Hunky Dory, Rumors—they all had massive influences on me as an artist.
OTR: Your song “Crybaby” is really great. I wish I wrote and produced that song! Can you walk us through the process of writing and recording it?
MJ: Thank you! The writing came together quite quickly. I had the skeleton of the song already mapped out before I brought it to my producers. From there we dug in a little deeper. The song really stemmed from the idea of wanting to have a straight up rock n roll song in my live show. I felt like that was missing in the set. Once the song was written, I wanted to start road testing the song, so when it was time to go into the studio with my band, It would feel natural and alive. We actually cut the song as a live band in the studio. It needed to come across raw and bombastic. I was aiming to really capture our live energy and put it on the recording, which I think we captured quite well.
OTR: Out of your catalogue, what would you say is the most important song you have made? Why?
MJ: I'd have to say “Walk The Line”. That song seemed to resonate the most with listeners. There's a strong narrative that flows through it. It encourages others to follow their own path even if they feel isolated for being different.
OTR: From some of the research I’ve done on you, I assume that you were also influenced by the indie punk/punk/pop punk scene in the 2000s. If you were, what are two of your favorite artists/bands and how did they influence you?
MJ: Yes, a bunch! Bands like The Killers, the Strokes, and KOL all had major influences on me, particularly The Strokes. I got into them at a time when I was trying to understand who I was as a singer/songwriter and the music I wanted to play. They were just so simplistic, yet so powerful.
OTR: We know that you have been in multiple bands since the age of ten and decided to go solo a few years ago. Do you ever miss working with others on music? Is it ever hard to come up with ideas on your own sometimes?
MJ: I still collaborate with others on music. I write and produce a good amount of my songs with these producers based out of NY, Jackson Hoffman and Ryder Stuart.
OTR: On tour what has been your favorite venue? What makes a crowd really great for you?
MJ: The crowd plays a massive role when it comes to putting on a great performance. An artist like myself very much feeds off of the audience's reaction. It's also my responsibility to give them a great show in order to get something back from them. If they're giving it back to me, then it usually turns out to be a great gig. It's hard to say my favorite venue. The Bowery Ballroom in NYC is a special one. Not only to perform but as an attendee. Also, Detroit and Chicago always have great crowds. They're up for a good time!
OTR: If you only had one song to introduce people to your music, what song would you choose? Like what song totally captures the Micky James experience?
MJ: If I had to pick one song as an introduction to my music, I'd have to pick “Give It To Me Straight”.
OTR: What are your favorite colors?
MJ: Not sure if I have a favorite? I like black and pink.
OTR: What are your feelings about Friends, the TV show?
MJ: Never really got into it, unfortunately. I'm more of a Seinfeld guy.
OTR: What’s next/coming up for you in the next months/year?
MJ: Looking to have new music out ASAP!
OTR: If you could trade places with any individual at this moment in time, dead or alive, who would it be? Why?
MJ: I'd trade places with Liam Gallagher any day. He's Godlike.
Thanks again, Micky James, for chatting with us! Make sure to check out his Spotify below!