Frogs and Friends with Yung Heazy

Cover photo from Bandsintown

Name: Yung Heazy

Age: 25

Pronouns: he/him

Zodiac: killer

OFF THE RECORD: To start off we wanted to ask, do you have a favorite TV show you’ve binged during quarantine?

YUNG HEAZY: Ozark. It’s kindof like Breaking Bad but not as good. Lot’s of potential though. Each season seems to be getting better

OTR: Okay. Now onto your music. Let’s talk about your most recent album I Ur Boy. What was it like producing and recording it? What would you say your favorite song from that record is?

YH: It was really fun writing the songs but kindof a nightmare to record. I tried locking myself away for a month with no human interaction to finish the thing, and it really backfired on my mental health. The record eventually took me about a year and a half to complete. I think my favourite song is “A Genuine Attempt at Not Being a Dick”. At least right now.

OTR: I really like the song “U Got Me” . I think it’s really innovative because it sounds like three different songs but in a good way. Can you talk a little bit about the production process and how you came up with the instrumental?

YH: Yeah, cool you noticed that. It was actually two separate songs i was working on i smashed together by writing a third part that would bridge the key change between the verse and chorus. That song especially on drums was the most challenging to write. I had lots of abstract ideas and had to keep pushing to make them work and flow together

OTR: Speaking of production, in an interview you did with Melted Magazine you talked a bit about how you struggled with production and getting songs done. Is that still true, or have you found it easier to produce lately? 

YH: I’m a little better at it now, things get easier and easier eventually. What is really helping me come to grips with producing is meditation and space away from the songs. I have to be obsessive but only to the point where my productivity doesn’t suffer. Like a balancing act migraine

OTR: Okay so out of your two albums Whenever You’re Around I Hate Everything Less and I UR BOY, which one would you keep if you were told you had to get rid of the other?

YH: You’re asking me to kill my children here, haha. Perhaps the only choice I can make is no choice at all! Stalemate atheists!

OTR: Moving on to some more personal questions. What is the last dream you’ve had?

YH: I dreamt one of my family members died, and it was terrible.

OTR: What would you say your favorite animal is? 

YH: The frog (obviously).

OTR: Personally, I’m a huge fan of movies. If you have a favorite movie, could you share what it is and why?

YH: I have two. Hot Fuzz—The first time I saw this movie it blew my mind. The whole thing is so well crafted… I mean, nearly every line in the first half is a setup for a punchline in the finale. I still notice something new everytime I watch it. Vampire’s Kiss—Nicolas Cage claims to be experimenting with overacting in this one, and holy flying ballsack he’s frickin insanely entertaining in this. I mean, what a terrible, beautiful movie. It’s hard to explain. You have to just experience it.

OTR: The outside is sort of kind of starting to open back up. What are you looking forward to most after Corona’s reign is officially over?

YH: Play some live shows and hug people

OTR: What are your favorite colors?

YH: All of them (even purple).

OTR: Lastly, what are your thoughts on the TV show Friends?

YH: Not to get too political here but fuck that absolute piece of shit shitty show. My ex used to make me watch it, and, God, the jokes are so bad. Her friend even claimed it the greatest TV show of all time! Can you imagine? I mean what kind of person…? Gives me nightmares man.

Thanks again, Yung Heazy, for chatting with us! Make sure to check out his Spotify below!